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Kidz Kingdom
Learning Center

T. Tanner, Parent
Kidz Kingdom Learning Center is the absolute BEST. My son started going here at 2 1/2, they helped me with potty training and my son enjoyed going to school every day. When he was in Pre-K 3, he learned how to write his name, where he lived, his alphabets (saying and recognizing), and his numbers to 20. By Pre-K 4, he was reading, writing short stories, counting by 5 and 10, counting to 100, adding and subtracting. He is now in kindergarten and every day he tells me that he misses his old school. I have to explain to him daily that he is a big boy and that he has to go to a different school that is for big boys and girls. I recommend this school to anyone that is looking; THE STAFF IS AWESOME, AND YOUR CHILD WILL DEFINITELY LEARN.
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